
From the IFTAS Moderator Library, supporting Fediverse trust & safety

Updated on 2024-03-31


Describing people in ways that deny or diminish their humanity, such as comparing a given group to insects, animals or diseases.


Dehumanisation refers to the act of depriving individuals or groups of their human qualities, dignity, or individuality. In digital spaces, this often manifests through language or content that portrays people as less than human, likening them to animals, objects, or reducing them to stereotypes. Such content can perpetuate hate, justify discrimination, and foster environments where aggression and abuse are more likely to occur. Addressing dehumanisation is crucial for maintaining respectful and inclusive online communities.


Determining what constitutes dehumanisation can be highly subjective, often requiring an understanding of historical context, cultural nuances, and the intended impact of the content, balancing the need to protect free expression while preventing speech that can lead to harm or violence against individuals or groups.

Dehumanising language can sometimes be subtle or coded, making it difficult to identify without a deep understanding of the context or the use of specific derogatory terms. What is considered dehumanising can vary greatly across different cultures and communities, requiring moderators to have a global perspective or access to localized knowledge.

Ethical Concerns

The moderation of dehumanising content involves navigating ethical concerns such as the protection of vulnerable groups, ensuring that moderation efforts protect individuals and groups that are often the targets of dehumanisation.

Moderators must remain impartial and consistent in their application of rules against dehumanisation, avoiding biases that may affect judgement.

Moderators exposed to dehumanising content may experience negative psychological impacts, highlighting the need for support and mental health resources.

Example Rule

We prohibit content that dehumanises individuals or groups by denying their human qualities, dignity, or individuality. This includes any language or imagery that reduces people to less than human, likens them to animals, objects, or stereotypes. Such content will be subject to removal, and repeat offenders may face further actions, including account suspension.


Discuss this label in the Dehumanisation forum.

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